Supporting Children with Special Needs

We offer a variety of services under this umbrella, focusing on specialized therapies, tailored educational programs,
and supportive resources. Our approach is holistic, designed to meet the unique needs of each child.

Specialized Therapies

- Behavioral Therapy: Our behavioral interventions are designed to help children improve their social skills and manage their behavior. Using evidence-based approaches like Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), we aim to encourage positive behavior and mitigate the challenges associated with Autism and ADHD.

- Speech Therapy: Our speech therapists work closely with children who have speech dyslexia, focusing on enhancing their speech and language skills. We offer personalized therapy sessions to improve articulation, fluency, and voice regulation, thus enabling better communication.

- Feeding Therapy: For children who struggle with eating and feeding, we offer specialized feeding therapy. Our therapists work with children to address issues related to food textures, tastes, and swallowing, aiming to develop a positive relationship with food and safe eating habits.

- Cognitive Therapy: We offer cognitive therapy to children with Autism and ADHD, recognizing the potential cognitive challenges they may face. Our therapists engage children in activities and exercises designed to stimulate and improve cognitive functions like attention, memory, and problem-solving skills.

Specialized Educational Programs

We offer individualized educational programs, tailored specifically to meet each child's unique needs. These programs support children's learning and development, considering their strengths and areas that need improvement.

- Individualized Learning Plans: Our educators create personalized learning plans for each child, focusing on their specific learning style and pace. We incorporate adaptive learning materials and techniques to ensure an effective learning experience.

- Skill Development: Our programs are designed to develop both academic and life skills. We aim to improve children's literacy and numeracy skills, while simultaneously enhancing daily living skills such as self-care and social interaction.

Supportive Resources and Services

We provide a range of supportive resources and services to enhance the overall development of children with Autism, ADHD, and speech dyslexia.

- Assistive Technology: We incorporate assistive devices and technology to support children's learning and communication. These tools aid speech and language, support learning, and assist with daily tasks.

- Social and Emotional Support: We offer counseling and support groups to help children navigate their emotions and social relationships. Our counselors provide a safe and supportive environment for children to express their feelings and learn effective coping strategies.

- Physical and Occupational Therapy: For children experiencing physical challenges or difficulties with fine motor skills, our physical and occupational therapists provide targeted interventions. These therapies aim to improve strength, balance, coordination, and the skills necessary for daily tasks.

Through these comprehensive services, we aim to support the holistic development of children with Autism, ADHD, and speech dyslexia, empowering them to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

Parent & Caregiver Training

In addition to supporting the children, we offer comprehensive training programs to equip parents and caregivers with the knowledge and skills they need to better provide support for their children.

Our training includes:

- Workshops on understanding the specific exceptionalities, such as Autism, ADHD, and Dyslexia.
- Strategies for effective communication and interaction with children with special needs.
- Guidance on creating a supportive and inclusive home environment.
- Emotional and psychological support for parents and caregivers, helping them navigate the unique challenges they may face.

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Health & Wellness Coaching

We provide health and wellness coaching services to both children and parents or caregivers, offering guidance on maintaining their overall well-being.

Our coaching includes:

- Nutritional advice and meal planning to ensure that families maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- Stress management and self-care strategies to help children, parents, and caregivers balance their responsibilities.
- Guidance on accessing healthcare resources and services.

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Mental Health Counselling

Recognizing the emotional challenges faced by both children and their parents or caregivers, we offer mental health counseling services to support their well-being.

Our counseling includes:

- Professional guidance and support for managing stress, anxiety, and emotional well-being.
- Strategies for coping with the unique demands of caring for children with special needs.
- A safe and supportive space for open and confidential discussions.

We believe in the potential of every child and in the importance of supporting their families. Our foundation strives to provide holistic support that encompasses education, therapy, emotional well-being, and community engagement. By promoting inclusivity and awareness, we aim to create a brighter future for these exceptional children and their families.

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What we do

Supporting Children With Special Needs

We aim to create a nurturing environment that fosters the individual potential of these children, allowing them to shine brightly and thrive.





Increased Awareness